July 17, 2024
On July 11, 2024, the Academy Well pump and motor failed. A new pump and motor were retrieved, tested, and installed. As required, a water sample was drawn and tested. Today we received the test results, which authorize the Academy Well to return to the water system. The system is being flushed and sanitized and the water system storage is recovering.
The Outdoor Watering Restriction is rescinded.
However, STAGE 3 restrictions remain, which include:
o No outside sprinkle watering between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.
o All parks, schools, and cemeteries will be allowed to water every other day during permitted hours.
o Residential and commercial water users will be allowed to water every other day. Even addresses water on even days, odd addresses, on odd days.
o Non-commercial car washing requires using a hose with an automatic shut off nozzle.
o Use of water for street and driveway washing will not be permitted.
o No planting new grass or sod or other new landscaping.
o Water shall be served at restaurants only upon request.
o No use of fire hydrants for purposes other than fire protection.
o No use of water for fountains, artificial waterfalls, pools, or other ornamental purposes.
o No use of water for water games or to fill or top off swimming pools, hot tubs, etc.
o Culinary water will not be used to irrigate City parks, golf courses, or schools.
o Sprinkling and hand watering may occur for a total of 15 minutes per landscaped area.
o Drip irrigation systems, bubbler or soaker hoses may be operated for a total of 2 hours
We again recognize the utility, public works, and other staff for their dedicated efforts on behalf of the residents of our communities.
We appreciate the overwhelming supportive response and compliance from residents who looked after each other during this problem.
Thank you.